Arboricultural Impact Assessments
Harmil Environmental's team of expert aboriculturalists have extensive experience in undertaking tree surveys and producing professional and comprehensive tree reports required to meet planning conditions.
Working throughout the UK, we have worked on a wide range of projects throughout the UK and continue to work with private clients, architects, developers and local authorities. Our aim is to make developments proceed as smoothly as possible whilst working under the jurisdiction of the wildlife laws.
When do I need an Arboricultural Impact Assessment?
An Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) is a written assessment which determines the site specific effect of a planned development on the existing tree stock.
It is a recommendation of the British Standard 5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition & construction - Recommendations, that an Arboricultural Impact Assessment is produced in order to inform the development process.
The Arboricultural Impact Assessment identifies trees to be removed and those to be retained and it highlights the potential conflicts between retained trees and the planned development. Typical conflicts between trees and developments can range from crown shading issues of a tree, to a planned development breaching a trees’ Root Protection Area (RPA).
Additionally, The Arboricultural Impact Assessment also considers the impact of statutory designations such as tree preservation orders (TPO’s), and identifies the long term value and benefits of trees in the urban and built environment.
How can Harmil help?
Harmil Environmental's team of Arboricultural Consultants deliver common sense solutions to any potential issues with planning applications and are able to identify and recommend suitable mitigation measures in order to ensure a smooth progression through the planning and development process.
We always aim to offer an excellent level of service and competitive prices starting from as low as £250.
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Email: general@harmil-environmental.co.uk
Tel: 01782 308418
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