Bat Mitigation
Harmil Environmental's team of expert ecologists have extensive experience in undertaking bat surveys and producing professional and comprehensive ecological reports required to meet planning conditions.
Working throughout the UK, we have worked on a wide range of projects throughout the UK and continue to work with private clients, architects, developers and local authorities. Our aim is to make developments proceed as smoothly as possible whilst working under the jurisdiction of the wildlife laws.
When do I need Bat Mitigation?
All bats are protected by law within the United Kingdom through the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act (as amended) and the Conservation (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).
Therefore, prior to any development, bats are required to be considered prior to the approval of planning. If bats are found during the activity surveys, mitigation and compensation measures will have to be devised.
How can Harmil help?
Following on from our protected sites and species surveys, we are able to devise and undertake bespoke mitigation and compensation measures. We are experienced in undertaking innovative and common-sense mitigation, compensation and habitat management, creation and enhancement.
The types of services we offer attempt to be both beneficial to you, our client(s), and the flora and fauna that have been found to use a site during the initial presence/absence surveys. The mitigation and compensation services that we undertake include:
Watching briefs/Site supervision
Licence applications
Bespoke mitigation and compensation works
Habitat and Land Management Plans, including the creation of new habitats and the enhancement of those already there.
Let us take the stress out of managing the site(s) for protected species. Our mitigation project prices start from as little as £950.
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Email: general@harmil-environmental.co.uk
Tel: 01782 308418
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